EGO Power Electric Mower Complete Repair for LM2000S
The motor may be bad. Check the blade, if the center bolt is tight and the blade is wabbly, the motor may be damaged. Take the motor apart and check the bearings and the brushes, and check if the armature chafes against the magnets. When motor is okay, check all the internal switches (there are 2) and the wiring and control board. In my case the motor and the control board were bad. This is a complete repair tutorial for the EGO Power LM2000S. This lawn mower is of excellent quality and it more than worth to repair and keep using. Especially if you have extra batteries, chargers, and other compatible equipment that use the same batteries. My mower won't stay on. When I try to turn on, the indicator light flashes green a few times, then flashes amber a few times, then the motor turns off. We checked the wiring, switches, connectors, and all seemed to be okay. I tested the fuses, and they seemed okay, I got good continuity with my multimeter. I took the controller board out and it did not display any obvious damage. The circuits looked brown but could not tell if it was just the sealing turned brown from dirt, or if it was corrosion. When I checked the motor, it was shot. The top ball bearing was ceased, and off its casing. Some of the brushes were badly worn and the motor armature and core were chaffing. I decided to replace the motor. I ordered the new motor from PartsWarehouse.com. Here is the link https://www.partswarehouse.com/EGO-LM... The motor part is EGO DC Motor Assembly #EGO-2823675003 After I put the new motor, it did the same thing: when I try to turn on, the indicator light flashes green a few times, then flashes amber a few times, then the motor turns off. But I wasn’t dissapointed as I knew that old motor was bad. It just happens that something else was bad. In my case it was the motor control board (EGO PCB Assembly #EGO-2830052002). It costs $77.54 (plus shipping and taxes) from EGO LM2000-S Lawn Mower at www.PartsWarehouse.com but I did get that from another website because they wanted to charge too much for shipping. That other site was EGO 2830052002 PCB ASSEMBLY https://powerplusparts.com/products/2... It cost me a bit less there and the shipping was faster than PartsWarehouse.com. I installed the board, and that was it. The mower worked. If yours still has issues, ensure to check all wires and wire connections. There is a switch on the folding bar (item #57) on the diagram, and a micro swich (#53) and micro switch actuator (#55). Ensure these switches are engaging and disengaging freely and that they don’t come off when folding the handlebar or retracting it. These switches are safety features that may cause an accident If you bypass, so I won't tell you to bypass them by shorting their wires. There are two fuses that can be checked with a multimeter in continuity mode. There are a lot of screws on the bottom to take top plastic cover off, so be patient. Good luck in your repairs. And leave a comment here. Living Off the Grid in the City podcast playlist (English): • Vivir Fuera de la Red en la Ciudad Po... Lista de podcast (Español): • Vivir Fuera de la Red en la Ciudad Po... Please visit my Youtube channel: @HBCSolarPVTechByron Please visit my Patreon: www.patreon.com/hectorvladimir Please visit my Substack: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/