~shift to your desired reality~ 888htz +  thunderstorm + sped up affirmations

~shift to your desired reality~ 888htz + thunderstorm + sped up affirmations

Affirmations used: My doubts won’t stop me from shifting. I control my reality. I intend to wake up in my desired reality. I am safe to shift. I am ready to shift. I control which reality i am in. I am worthy of shifting. I am pure consciousness. I give myself permission to shift to my desired reality. I am shifting. I am more than my physical body. I am more than physical matter. I exist as consciousness. I am expanding my consciousness to become aware of my desired reality. I am pure consciousness not attached to any reality. I desire to expand my experience. I am so grateful to be living in my desired reality. My consciousness is free to explore any reality i want. I am loved in my desired reality. I am moving my awareness to my desired reality. I am a master shifter.