The Bizarre Laws of Emperor Qin Shi Huan #ancientchina #history #chinalaw #chinesehistory #ancient

The Bizarre Laws of Emperor Qin Shi Huan #ancientchina #history #chinalaw #chinesehistory #ancient

Dive into the fascinating and controversial reign of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. Discover how he banned the word "death," enforcing severe punishments for those who dared to speak it. Learn about his drastic decree to burn all books except those on astrology and medicine, and the lengths he went to control information. Lastly, uncover the grueling and relentless labor he imposed on peasants, forcing them to build roads and work on the Great Wall, often with life-threatening consequences. Like, and share this video if you find these historical insights intriguing! #QinShiHuang #ChineseHistory #GreatWall #AncientChina #HistoryFacts #BookBurning