5 Year Survival Food Supply: $7,000 and 2.5 MILLION Calories
#prepper #survival #foodstorage This is an overview of my long term food storage. My complete prepper pantry including my color coded food system using 5-7 gallon buckets. this is 2.5 million calories which if rationed can last 1 person 5 years. This presumes 500,000 calories per year or roughly 1400 calories per day which is enough to sustain life. Realistically this is a 2.5 Year supply. That is 1 million calories per year per person. Harvest Right Freeze Dryers https://affiliates.harvestright.com/2... Arkopia Smoothies https://canadianpreparedness.com/sear... QUALITY Emergency Food Supplies https://canadianpreparedness.com/coll... Food storage items https://canadianpreparedness.com/coll... Freeze Dried icecream https://canadianpreparedness.com/prod... Get food buckets items here https://amzn.to/3kpQzdY Sturdy Shelving units https://amzn.to/3B65VdL Other Shelving options https://amzn.to/2UiO4Q8 *Using above links supports the channel by earning us a small comision that costs you no more than it normally would. Thanks for your support!