We prepare the BEST MARBLE COOKIES!! SIMPLE, QUICK AND ECONOMIC RECIPE of BISCUITS without BUTTER!! With a recipe you have 650 gr of cookies!!😀😉 Friends if you liked the video, you can help the development of the channel: 💖 SHARE this video with your friends on social networks. 💖CALFIFY the video! This is good for me and important for the development of the channel! 💖WRITE A COMMENT or at least an emoticon. It is not difficult for you, but for me it is a great motivation! 💖 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE RECIPES:👇 https://shortest.link/s5O FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM:👇😃 / larusacocina PINTEREST 👇 https://pin.it/2Vaq85l FACEBOOK 👇 / larusacocinaoficial -------------- MARBLED BISCUITS WITHOUT BUTTER INGREDIENTS: 2 eggs 120 grams of sugar Zest of 1 lemon Vanilla essence 1 teaspoon 150 cc of sunflower, corn or olive oil that does not have taste 360 gr of flour 4 zeros or all-purpose flour 1 teaspoons of baking powder 1 pinch of salt 1 and a half tablespoons of bitter cocoa ---------------------------------- 📙 RECIPES YOU WILL LOVE👩🍳👇 📌How to make Pepas cookies without butter: • Como hacer Galletas PEPAS🍪🍪 (Faciales... 📌 Crackle Chocolate Cookies: • Galletas de CHOCOLATE craqueladas SIN... 📌 Homemade pepitos cookies: • Galletitas PEPITOS caseras🍪🍪( COOKIS/... 📌 Oatmeal Lemon Cookies: • GALLETAS DE AVENA Y LIMON🍋 Súper Fác... 📌 Cookies with apple: • Para desayunar o merendar GALLETAS Fá... 📌 Easy and Economical Whole Wheat Cookies: • RECETA de GALLETAS INTEGRALES SUPER F... 📌 No butter! Cookies that melt in your mouth: • SIN MANTECA! Las GALLETAS se derriten... 📌 Lemon Crackle Cookies: • GALLETAS de LIMÓN CRAQUELADAS🍋 FACILE... 📌How to make vanilla cookies with manga: • Como hacer GALLETAS DE VAINILLA CON M... 📌 Walnut cookies without butter: • GALLETAS de NUEZ🍪🍪 ( RAPIDO Y FACIL) ... 📌Easy Chocolate Cookies: • GALLETAS de CHOCOLATE 🍫 SIN MANTECA (... 📌How to make oatmeal cookies: • Como hacer GALLETAS de AVENA🍪🍪 Fácile... 📌rich and easy cookies with cornmeal: • GALLETAS RICAS y FACILES con HARINA D... 📌 Whole grain crackers with seeds: • GALLETAS INTEGRALES CON SEMILLAS /TIP... 📌Delicious cookies with seeds: • DELICIOSAS GALLETAS de SEMILLA🍪🍪 SIN ...