֎ DESIRED FACE + FACE CARBON COPY SUBLIMINALS ֎ This content is 100% edited & created by me. Please don't repost it anywhere. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING BECAUSE THIS IS REALLY POWERFUL! IT IS MADE FOR SOMEONE WHO NEVER GET RESULT FROM SUB BEFORE! I USE NEW METHOD CALLED SELF MIND-CONTROL (also my mega potent formula + yes or yes method), so dont you even think that ‘desired doesnt give any effects in me’ because this sub is extremely different! With this method, your subconscious will ABSOLUTELY know the most stunning face that suits you and you+everyone around you will 100% love it. AND, your subconscious ONLY has an option to morph your face right now, you dont need to listen it for an hour, you dont need to wait for many days for the results because you will get it instantly without you realizing. ALL OF MEDICAL AFFS IN MY SUBS HAVE BEEN CONSULTED TO MY LECTURERS (MEDICAL SPECIALIST, SPECIALTY DOCTORS), SO IT IS 100% SAFE❗ ֎Benefit֎ I USE EXAGGERATING AND A LOT OF METAPHORICAL WORDS FULL BENEFIT, CHECK this out cause it is too long: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18DQ0... if you’re wondering “can I get (xyz) / remove (xyz)”, yes absolutely! This is desired face sub then it depends on you to choose your own desired face. BASIC Benefit:  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) face shape, face angle & curvature, face width & length, facial proportion, facial symmetry, side profile  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) forehead & hairline  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) nose shape  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) eyes color, eyes size & shape  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) eyelashes & eyebrows: arch, thickness  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) lips color, size & shape  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) teeth & smile  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) ears shape  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) voice  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) aura, vibe, charm, energy  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) beauty marks  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) hair  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) cheekbones  Desired / (carbon copy of your desired face) jaw, maxila & mandible  Look exactly like (your desired face)  Look exactly like the perfect version of (your desired face)  Your bare face look identical with (your desired face using makeup)  Become a carbon copy, doppelganger, twin, replica, clone of (your desired face)  Your face completely resemblance (your desired face)  Become more perfect than (your desired face)  Become the best version of (your desired face)  Get the healthy and postive benefit of completely healed facial reconstruction procedure to look alike (your desired face) +++ Good looking, attractive, enchanting, photogenic+videogenic  Get the healthy and positive benefit of completely healed facial reconstruction procedure (until your desired face)  Everyone loves your face & familiar with it as if you are born with that face (this is for you who are scared that your surrounding wont recognize you because of your results) if you want a carbon copy sub of a particular person, I accept paid request for it. You can dm me on insta or email me. ⚠️Use these sub too for faster result: ⚠️ *booster 'maxima totalum' 1-2x before and after this subliminal:    • Video   *mental healing sub to enhance your inner positivity (law of positivity):    • Video   I am a medical student so I make the most medically & scientifically detailed and unique affs + morphic field frequency + NEW MEGA POTENT FORMULA for someone who haven’t got result from sub. I personally never get result before but when I try to use my own sub, I got insane result from it. You could also check my insta for the other results. Trust me, I did everything for my sub. Hi❤ I really work hard for my sub in the middle of my extremely tight medical school schedule and I will really glad it if you are willing to keep watching my videos in youtube (it helps me a lot! 🥺 💖 🥰) ❗ ❗ Friendly reminder: ❗ ❗ This is not made to replace any medical treatments. Subliminal depends on our own thoughts and beliefs, the results will vary from one another. #desiredface #subliminal #carboncopy