Are protein powders okay for pregnant women, and what ingredients should I avoid?
A lot of pregnant women have questions about protein shakes. Are they okay to drink or are they not? And it's always best to talk with your OB provider before you take any kind of supplements or anything like a protein shake, because, generally speaking, most of the over-the-counter ones are safe - any ingredients won't be harmful to you or your baby. But there are a few on the market that have ingredients that could potentially be harmful, or the ingredients haven't been tested during pregnancy, because, from an ethical standpoint, we can't do that. We don't know if it's safe, and because of that, it's just best to stay away from those types. Bring the one to your doctor that you're thinking about consuming. They can look at all of the ingredients and decide if it's something that's okay for you or not. And if that specific type isn't a good one, then they can recommend one that would be good for you, because it is good for you to get enough protein during pregnancy - that's an essential thing for your body, as well as for your growing baby. In fact, in some situations, OB providers actually recommend that their patients drink protein shakes - especially the women who are having a hard time gaining weight. So again, talk with your doctor, and they'll be able to give you the best advice about whether or not protein shakes are right for you, and if so, what type would be best. If you have any other questions for me in the future, feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at / intermountainmoms , and recommend us to your friends and family too.