Morning Prayer on Thursday 18 November from St John's in the Village

Morning Prayer on Thursday 18 November from St John's in the Village

Morning Prayer on Thursday 18 November from St John's in the Village The psalmody and readings can be found here: The Order of Service can be found here: This service of worship comes from the Church of St. John's in the Village, West Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York. Clergy and laity pray together the "offices" of Morning Prayer and Evensong every weekday at St John's. From our earliest Anglican beginnings in the mid-16th century a distinctive Anglican spirituality arose in which lay people (rather than monastics and clergy only) began to pray these short services of Bible readings, psalms, canticles, prayer, and praise, either in church with the clergy (who take a vow to pray these offices daily) or at home. This spiritual tradition is strengthening once more today after a period of some falling off. The offices allow us to round the day in prayer and praise and also give us a continuous reading of passages from the Bible (four each day if we pray both offices) which allow us to hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Scripture much more than we might otherwise.