Following Jesus, What's Your Decision? - Sunday Worship Dec 29, 2024

Following Jesus, What's Your Decision? - Sunday Worship Dec 29, 2024

Welcome to the WFLM Sunday Worship Livestream 2024 Theme: "Focus on Jesus" Today's Message: "Following Jesus, What's Your Decision?" - Sr. Pastor Joel E. Bowdan III Word for Life Ministries Sunday Morning Worship Experience. Tune in every Sunday at 10:45 AM to enjoy and participate in our Sunday Morning Worship Experience as we celebrate together our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Each service includes powerful prayer, jubilant praise and worship, and relevant Biblical instruction and teaching. Please note that some of the music, master tracks, backing tracks, and community tracks you may hear during our services are the work of other gospel and Christian music artists who retain the rights to their music. WFLM has paid for every music track that we use and we are licensed through CCLI to display song lyrics, and broadcast such music as noted above in our streamed services on our WFLM website and streaming platforms. We do not sell or profit from our live stream and video archives. We do however make this worship experience available to all to participate in praise & worship to God and to hear and become the doers of His Word! Be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!