Port Nelson United Church - Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion - December 24, 2023

Port Nelson United Church - Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion - December 24, 2023

We are glad to have you with us as we celebrate Christmas Eve at Port Nelson with choir, organ, reflection and candlelight. We wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas as we celebrate the blessings that Christ's birth has brought to us. Click Here for our Bulletin: https://portnelson.ca/wp-content/uplo... Port Nelson Notebook: https://portnelson.ca/wp-content/uplo... Port Nelson's 2023 Christmas Blessings Menu: https://portnelson.ca/product/christm... Thank You to Our Christmas Flowers Donors: https://portnelson.ca/wp-content/uplo... #unitedchurchofcanada #worship #christmas #communion