Minimum GATE Score for IITs | What is the Lowest GATE Cut-off for IITs? | J. Jeprakash
Explore the lowest GATE cut-offs for IITs, with branch-wise details to help you understand the competition. IITs Overview: 23 IITs, 7 older ones (e.g., IIT Madras, Bombay, Delhi) require high GATE scores, but spot admissions offer opportunities with lower scores. Spot Admissions: Students with lower GATE scores can secure M.Tech seats in IITs through spot rounds, based on available vacancies and merit. IIT Madras Cutoff IIT Bombay Cutoff IIT Delhi Cutoff IIT Kharagpur Cutoff IIT Dhanbad Cutoff IIT Bhubaneswar Cutoff IIT Ropar Cutoff Low GATE Score Opportunities: Spot admissions provide a chance for scores as low as 350-500, especially in interdisciplinary fields. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➡️Start your GATE 25/26 preparation with our FREE content. ➡️Enroll in GATE Test Series Plus: https://bit.ly/GATEonlinetest ➡️ To know about our Programs and offers, book a free counseling session with our Sr. Education Advisors ➡️Live Online Program: https://bit.ly/gateliveonline ➡️Classroom Program: https://bit.ly/gateclassroomcoaching ➡️Join our Telegram group today to stay updated with: 📌 Important Seminar/Webinar Updates 🚀 PSU & Government Job Notifications 🔥 Expert Sessions on Key Topics 🧠 Daily Quizzes and more! 📣 Telegram Group Link: https://t.me/imsgateacademy ➡️Access our zero FEE course: https://bit.ly/gatezerofeeprogram Visit ▶️ https://www.imsindia.com/gate ----------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ Start your GATE preparations with IMS India: 👉 Comprehensive programs for GATE to enter IISc, IITs, NITs, and PSU Jobs. 👉 Stream specific programs. 👉 Offline Classroom programs at Select Centers. 👉 Hybrid Program at Select Centers. 👉 Online Programs, Self Learning Programs, and Test Series Programs are also available ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #gate2025 #gatecoaching #gateonlinecoaching #gatefreelectures #gatepreparation2025 #gateexam2025 #gateexampattern #gateformfiling #gate2025examdate #imsgate #imsindia #imsgateacademy #gate2025notification #gate2026 #gateexam2026 #gatepreparation2026