Far Cry Primal Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 - TRAPPED (No Commentary)
Welcome to Far cry Primal part 5 Walkthrough series, the second mission includes being Trapped in todays episode with no commentary Gameplay ►Subscribe For More :D - / @pixelgamer121. ►Follow My Twitch - / pixelgamer1210 ►Far Cry Primal Playlist - • Far Cry Primal ►FarCry Primal Sale - https://g.co/kgs/NRH73Ds Far Cry Primal*, released in 2016 by Ubisoft, is an open world, single-player survival game set in 10,000 BC during the Stone Age. Players take on the role of Takkar, a Wenja hunter and the last survivor of his hunting party. After a disastrous encounter with a Sabretooth, Takkar must craft weapons, tame predators, and outsmart rival tribes to conquer the land of Oros and become the Apex Predator. If you enjoy the video, don’t forget to like and subscribe for more Far Cry Primal content and other gameplay walkthroughs! #farcryprimal #farcryprimalpart5 #nocommentary #games #gaming #walkthrough #series #trapped