At The Altar by ELEVATION RHYTHM 1 Minute Cover
This video shows a combination of the lead guitar parts for At The Altar by ELEVATION RHYTHM at 85 bpm Get the Song Resources https://bit.ly/AtTheAltarSongResources Get HX Stomp Song-Specific Presets https://bit.ly/WGR-HXStompSong-Specif... Get Helix Song-Specific Presets https://bit.ly/WGR-HelixSong-Specific... Get Tabs https://bit.ly/WGR-GuitarTabs Download FREE Stuff https://bit.ly/WGR_FreeDownloads Put some JET Pedals on your board https://jetpedals.com/?ref=WorshipGui... - Use Code WGR10 for 10% off storewide! You'll not only save some $, but you'll also be helping out the channel. Find some great deals on the gear you need https://bit.ly/3XzoEdI My Rig Boss CS-3 Compressor JHS Modded Soul Food CMATMODS Signs Drive Wampler Euphoria Dunlop Volume (X) Mini TC Electronics PolyTune Mini HX Stomp Pedalnetics Helauxy Duo JET Eternity JET Revelation Morningstar MC6 Pro GI STEVE Line Isolator Truetone C12 Power Supply Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. Some of the links provided are affiliate links, and while there is no extra cost to you, a small portion of the sale goes to support this channel.