Far Cry Primal - Walkthrough Part 1 ( Hard Mode ) Savage at Heart!
Greeting Folks, Welcome to the stone age. familiarize yourself with the smell would our ancestors, right? :D Starting from the ancient weapons and things that mysticism like to communicate with the spirits, and so on until you can tame any animal that is in this game. One definite conclusion is far cry very exciting even take the place settings were very much but certainly this is a far cry series that became my favorite. In this walkthrough will give everything as clear as possible from seizing bonfire, outpost and so forth. Until the mission is the most ridiculous of urki the thinker who will make you chuckle to myself while watching. Please enjoy this walkthrough and enjoy as well as " waaaaaauuurrrr " : D 1. - 08:46. - Story Mission: Path to Oros. 2. - 28:49. - Story Mission: Deep Wounds.