Panini Sandwiches with homemade wheat bread|| No baking(پنینی سینڈوچ)by‪@Shrinksrecipebook‬

Panini Sandwiches with homemade wheat bread|| No baking(پنینی سینڈوچ)by‪@Shrinksrecipebook‬

Try these delicious cheesy and creamy panini sandwiches this Ramadan. I prepare its dough from wheat flour, it doesn't need any oven to bake. It can be prepared easily on the pan. It's a blend of cream and cheese and very few spices that brings amazing flavours in it. #paninisandwich #sandwichrecipe #homemade #wheatbread #ramadanrecipes #food #foodie #recipe #foryou #trending #fy #creamy #cheesy