Grounded in Peace: A Meditation for Election Stress Release
This guided meditation has been designed to help you get to a place of grounded peace and calm as you move through this election season. 7 out of 10 Americans have said they are anxious or stressed due to the election. We can become grounded in calm, grace and trust. This meditation is here to support you! Unity on the Bay post guided meditations every Saturday morning at 8:30am. For more information on Unity on the Bay and our programs, visit our website at: www.unityonthebay.org. Guided meditation is an interactive experience where you will be able follow the guidance thru this video. The role of the meditation facilitator is to lead you through an inner experience to a specific objective. Is guided meditation as effective? Regardless of whether you choose guided or silent meditation (or a combination of both), you'll see mental and physical benefits. “You'll get benefits with regards to your sleep, blood pressure, concentration, and reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms,” If you’re considering making meditation a part of your life and want to see the best results, set a goal for yourself to meditate every day for a set time. It could be a couple of weeks, one month, or even 40 days. Committing to a longer period of time will give you a true idea of what meditation can do for you. #guidedmeditation #guidedmeditations