Far Cry 3 Master Difficulty Part 4: Mushrooms in the Deep (PS5 Playthrough, Walkthrough)
1:29 Arriving at Earnhardt’s Mansion 2:41 Dr. Earnhardt Cutscene 4:00 Mansion Cutscene 6:22 Entering Cave 7:57 Mushroom Trip 10:16 Waking Up 12:08 Dr. Earnhardt Cutscene 13:06 Cool Mansion Cutscene 23:45 The Medusa 30:10 The Medusa Cutscene Playing Farcry 3, the Best game in the series. Madness Difficulty. PlayStation 5. “See anything you fancy? I like the red ones myself. The purples will give you a lift on a grey day. Oh not the yellows don’t take them, they are liable to kill you- the mix is not quite right yet.”