13th Sunday of Ordinary Time/பொதுக் காலம் 13-ம் ஞாயிறு/Sunday Gospel/Sunday Sermon Tamil/TamilSermon
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time/பொதுக் காலம் 13-ம் ஞாயிறு/Sunday Gospel/Sunday Sermon Tamil/Tamil Sermon. dear friends , this video is on the gospel reading of thirteen sunday in ordinary time. this gospel is taken from mark gospel 5:21-43. in this gospel jesus heals the woman who suffered of hemorrage for twelve years, and the same time he raised up the twelve years old girl who was dead. by this gospel passage mark presents two miracles in a same passage. schalars call it as mark's sandwich. like, share and subscribe #13sunday #ordinaryseason #gospelreflection #churchsermon #sundayhomilytamil #todayreflection