The Last Of Us 2 Throwing the Rope Outside - Road to The Aquarium

The Last Of Us 2 Throwing the Rope Outside - Road to The Aquarium

The Last Of Us 2 Throwing the Rope Outside - Road to The Aquarium The door's locked. Go around the building on the right and jump over the gate. Go through the window into the storage room. Inside, pick up a brick and throw it at a window on the ceiling. Now pick up the cable and throw it to the location shown in the picture above. Go outside and use the cable to climb up. Now pick up another brick and break the glass to be able to jump down. Wellcome to FP Good Game Like the video if you enjoyed ► Thanks for watching! Click Here To Subscribe! ► Facebook:   / fpgoodgames   My Twitch :   / fpgoodgame   My Twitter :   / fpgoodgame