Medical Items Vocabulary ll 130 Medical Items Name In English With Pictures ll Hospital items Name

Medical Items Vocabulary ll 130 Medical Items Name In English With Pictures ll Hospital items Name

Hello Friends & Welcome to the Bisu's World. In this video I have shared about 130 medical items names or medical equipments names or hospital items names in English with pictures. This video will help you to enhance your vocabulary as well as knowledge. #medicalitemsname #medicakitemsvocabulary #100medicalitems #medicalequipmentsname #medicalvocabulary #hospitalitemsname #hospitalequipmentsname #100medicalequipmentsname #bisusworld #Englishwithbiswajit medical items name Medical equipments name medical items hospital equipments name medical instruments name DOCTOR equipment names hospital items in english hospital vocabulary hospital items hospital vocabulary english names of hospital items things in the hospital medical equipment 100 medical equipments name 100 hospital items 100 medical items medical equipment vocabulary medical equipment words medical equipment in english medical equipment names names of medical equipment medical items name medical items vocabulary learn vocabulary bisu's world Pictures are downloaded from google and especially from:- 1.         2.         3.         4. 5. 6.         7., etc This video is made for educational purposes. Facebook Page link:-   / triumph-of-spoken-english-113575310395528   Thank you!@