안드로메다 은하 - 영문판 / 우리은하의 이웃, 안드로메다은하의 재미있는 이야기 / 태양계로부터 250만 광년거리 : 구독자 여러분이 요청한 영문판 영상입니다.
BGM: Shinning star Andromeda Galaxy, our neighboring glaxy, is about 2,500,000 light years away from the earth It’s spiral galaxy and called M31 The Andromeda Galaxy also known as M31, is one of our neighbouring galaxies It’s the closest spiral galaxy to the Earth, which is estimated to be around 2,500,000 light-years away from the earth Of The Local Group including our Galaxy, Triangular Spinal and about 44 small galaxies, Andromeda Galaxy is the largest It’s visible and the Celestial body faraway 참고문헌: nrck999@gmail com #우주과학#우주다큐