The Science and Clinical Application of Fasting and Fasting Mimicking Diets
Backed by science, research and clinical studies, discover how the ProLon® Fasting Mimicking Diet® (FMD®) can help make positive changes to the health goals of your clients/patients. Learn more about The Science and Clinical Application of Fasting and Fasting Mimicking Diets in this presentation by James LaValle, RPh, CCN, MT. Dr. LaValle, is an internationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board certified clinical nutritionist, and expert and educator in integrative and precision health. James is best known for his expertise in personalized integrative therapies uncovering the underlying metabolic issues that keep people from feeling healthy and vital. A thought leader in drug/nutrient depletion issues he has published 4 books and 3 databases in this area alone. As such he has over 35 years’ experience integrating natural and integrative therapies into various medical and business models. To learn more and for additional information: https://prolonfmd.com/ #A4M #RedefiningMedicine #medicaleducation #functionalmedicine #rootcause #antiaging #longevity #integrativemedicine #longevity #biohacking #nutrition #obesity #hormones #BHRT #hormonetherapy #nutraceuticals #guthealth #brainhealth #microbiome #precisionmedicine #lifestylemedicine #chronicpain #autoimmune #inflammation #chronicdisease #immunesupport #alternativemedicine #fasting #FastingMimickingDiet #intermittentfasting #timerestrictedeating