Gran Sudaruska PvE Build Progression | Part 1
https://deepwoken.co/builder?id=DWmFKnnP This build can easily solo diluvian, while also being one of the most satisfying!! check it out blessed on everything, blue on reinforce stratus on warden, frozen servants 2 cloudstones on ice carve MUSIC CREDITS: 🔻 "Ghostrifter Official - Distant" is under a Creative Commons (BY-ND 3.0) license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... / @ghostrifterofficial Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • ☔ Free Lofi Hip Hop Music (For Videos... 🔺 ------------------------------- CREDITS ▹ Art by Bang Joy (licensed by Spacecat Art Agency) / bangjoy1992 ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Timeline: Intro 0:00 Chime Fun 0:46 Character Creation 1:41 Progression 2:32 Outro 28:29 ----------------------------------------------------------- #game #roblox #deepwokenverse2 #anime #deepwokenlayer2 #fun #tutorial #pve #solodiluvian #solo #howto