Loving Kindness meditation ***Meditation starts at 8 minutes
This meditation was inspired by the book, “A Path With Heart” by Jack Kornfield PLEASE NOTE: ACTUAL MEDITATION STARTS AFTER THE INTRODUCTION AT MINUTE 8 This meditation is best to heal your broken or lost heart, racing mind, reclaiming emotions and truly coming back to falling in love with yourself This can help you reclaim and love all parts of yourself, as well as move through trauma, grief and deepening and expanding yourself with self compassion (and for others) This helps you develop emotional intelligence and a warrior’s heart with great courage, wisdom/understanding and compassion. To help you live without regret and a loving heart! THis is inspired by a 2500 year old practice This is best to be done 15 minutes 2x/day (it can bring up feelings of anger/resentment/guilt/shame, etc., however it is meant to also help you move through that to the other side Close your eyes Get into a comfortable position Let go of your mind - plans and to-dos Repeat these phrases directed at YOURSELF (you can always add other people later) May I be filled with lovingkindness May I be well May I be peaceful and at ease May I be truly happy (as you say the phrases, picture yourself as a young child or sense as yourself now, held in a heart of lovingkindess) Allow feelings to arise with the words and embody them - notice where you feel this in your body You can even play with the words to suit you Repeat the phrases When you feel ready - you can expand and send these phrases to someone else - picture them and carefully recite the same phrases. After this you can include others, animals or pets Experiment with the most difficult people