Saturday Vigil Mass at St. Barnabas Parish, Toronto - March 25, 2022 at 4:30 PM
— We are St. Barnabas Parish in Ontario Canada. We also stream the 9:00AM Mass on Facebook: @stbarnabasto Please continue supporting us in reaching people locally and all around the world by donating: http://https://stbarnabasto.ca/support-us Thank you for joining us in this livestream! We hope that you join us next time physically in our parish. God Bless. —SOCIAL MEDIA— Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, click the notification bell, and keep up with us on our social media! Website: https://www.stbarnabasto.ca YouTube: / stbarnabasto Facebook: / stbarnabasto Instagram: / stbarnabasto Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/stbarbast... #stbarnabasto #weekdaymass #prayforus #catholicto #Easter2022 #weekendmass