Remove Kidney Stone Fast & Effective With Homeopathic Medicine - Dr.Sanjay Panicker |Doctors' Circle

Remove Kidney Stone Fast & Effective With Homeopathic Medicine - Dr.Sanjay Panicker |Doctors' Circle

Subscribe to @Doctors' Circle - World's Largest Health Platform @Doctors' Circle Hindi दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हेल्थ प्लेटफार्म @Doctors' Circle - Know Your Doctor Dr. Sanjay Panicker | Phone 📞 080 4121 6688 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Homeopath | Amrita Homeopathy, Koramangala 4th Block, Bangalore, India As we all know that kidney stones come up when you don't drink enough water. This is what most people will tell you that you are not drinking enough water so drink more water. Today we find that lifestyle is so hectic that people are all the time busy sometimes they even forget to take water. That is one of the major reason why the body gets dehydrated and dehydration will make the urine very concentrated and when the urine is very concentrated the salts will precipitate and form into stones. Kidney stone formation happen if you are not drinking enough water. The second reason why this happens is because may be you have a strong family history. Somebody in your family have a kidney stone issue so your body is prone for it and little neglect in your side can also lead to stone formation. Sometimes you take all the care yet it forms. It is the strong family history which is the reason for it. Even some diseases like if you have the diseases of the digestive tract it can lead to kidney stones. Certain diseases like hyperparathyroidism where the parathyroid hormone goes high, it leads to excessive calcium in your blood stream which leads to calcium oxalate stones. So that is also seen in some kind of patients. There are other conditions like wherever excessive alcohol is there, excessive smoking is there, those patients are found to be having kidney stones. Also patients with thyroid problems, where there is excessive cholesterol formation and calcium depletion we have seen that renal stone is also associated with some of these patients. These are some of the medical conditions. Even one more major reason why kidney stones come up may be because you are taking too much of supplements or too much of antibiotics or too much of pain killers. This is all metabolized in the liver and finally eliminated out of the kidneys. So if your intake of medicines is too much that also can lead to kidney stones. To know the symptoms & homeopathic treatment for kidney stones, watch the video. #expertskisuno #health #treatment #kidneystone #kidney #kidneydisease #kidneyhealth #kidneystonetreatment #homeopathic #homeopathicmedicine #homeopathy #backpain #pain