2 Chronicles | The Bible (KJV) King James Version | Old Testament

2 Chronicles | The Bible (KJV) King James Version | Old Testament

Listen to the full Second Book of Chronicles in the King James Version (KJV) with text. Audio Bible https://tienda.josepenacoto.com/produ... 📖 Chapters 0:00 2 Chronicles 1. Solomon’s Request for Wisdom 3:34 2 Chronicles 2. Preparations for Building the Temple 7:49 2 Chronicles 3. The Construction of Solomon’s Temple 10:48 2 Chronicles 4. The Temple Furnishings 14:24 2 Chronicles 5. The Ark Brought into the Temple 17:18 2 Chronicles 6. Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication 26:53 2 Chronicles 7. The Glory of the Lord Fills the Temple & God’s Promise to Solomon 31:45 2 Chronicles 8. Solomon’s Achievements and Building Projects 34:56 2 Chronicles 9. The Visit of the Queen of Sheba & Solomon’s Wealth and Death 41:04 2 Chronicles 10. The Kingdom Divides Under Rehoboam 44:39 2 Chronicles 11. Rehoboam’s Reign in Judah 48:03 2 Chronicles 12. Shishak Attacks Jerusalem & Rehoboam’s Death 51:16 2 Chronicles 13. Abijah’s War Against Jeroboam 55:36 2 Chronicles 14. King Asa’s Reforms and Victory Over the Cushites 58:36 2 Chronicles 15. Asa’s Religious Reforms 1:01:56 2 Chronicles 16. Asa’s Alliance with Aram and His Death 1:05:10 2 Chronicles 17. Jehoshaphat’s Righteous Reign 1:08:33 2 Chronicles 18. Micaiah’s Prophecy and Ahab’s Death 1:15:47 2 Chronicles 19. Jehoshaphat’s Judicial Reforms 1:18:09 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat’s Victory Through Prayer and Praise 1:26:19 2 Chronicles 21. The Wicked Reign of Jehoram 1:30:15 2 Chronicles 22. The Reigns of Ahaziah and Queen Athaliah 1:33:06 2 Chronicles 23. The Rise of King Joash and the Death of Athaliah 1:37:52 2 Chronicles 24. The Reign of Joash and His Decline 1:44:15 2 Chronicles 25. The Reign of Amaziah 1:50:52 2 Chronicles 26. The Reign and Pride of King Uzziah 1:55:33 2 Chronicles 27. The Reign of Jotham 1:57:08 2 Chronicles 28. The Wicked Reign of Ahaz 2:03:16 2 Chronicles 29. Hezekiah’s Religious Reforms 2:11:16 2 Chronicles 30. Hezekiah Restores the Passover 2:17:16 2 Chronicles 31. Hezekiah’s Further Reforms 2:22:28 2 Chronicles 32. Sennacherib’s Invasion and Hezekiah’s Prayer 2:29:50 2 Chronicles 33. The Wickedness and Repentance of Manasseh & Amon’s Evil Reign 2:34:38 2 Chronicles 34. The Reforms of King Josiah and the Rediscovery of the Law 2:42:46 2 Chronicles 35. Josiah’s Passover and His Death in Battle 2:49:10 2 Chronicles 36. The Fall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian Exile    • THE BIBLE | The Complete King James V...   2 Chronicles, the fourteenth book of the Bible, continues the spiritual history of Israel, focusing on the reign of King Solomon, the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and the successive kings of Judah. Unlike 1 and 2 Kings, which narrate the history of both Israel (the northern kingdom) and Judah (the southern kingdom), 2 Chronicles emphasizes Judah’s kings and their relationship with God. The book begins with Solomon’s reign, highlighting his wisdom, wealth, and the building of the Temple—the central place of worship in Israel. However, despite Solomon’s grandeur, his later years are marked by compromise, leading to the eventual division of the kingdom. The rest of 2 Chronicles chronicles the kings of Judah, showing how their faithfulness or disobedience to God determined the nation’s prosperity or downfall. Righteous kings like Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah bring spiritual renewal and revival, while wicked kings lead Judah into idolatry and corruption. The book reaches its climax with the tragic fall of Jerusalem to Babylon in 586 B.C., as Judah’s persistent rebellion against God results in exile. Yet, 2 Chronicles ends with hope. The final verses recount King Cyrus of Persia’s decree allowing the exiles to return and rebuild the Temple, showing that God’s promises endure despite judgment. More than a historical record, 2 Chronicles emphasizes the power of repentance, true worship, and God’s enduring faithfulness. It serves as a call to trust in Him, reminding believers that obedience brings blessing, while disobedience leads to destruction—but God’s mercy always offers restoration. Facebook Group www.facebook.com/groups/bibleaudiokjv/ Audio Bible in Spanish https://www.josepenacoto.com/audiolib... © 2025. José Peña Coto. All rights reserved.