Choral Eucharist, Independence Day Celebration, July 4, 2021, 11:00 a.m.
Bulletin: https://faithconnector.s3.amazonaws.c... Service Participants: Celebrant: The Very Reverend J. Michael A. Wright Homilist: The Reverend Canon Caleb J. Lee Gospeller: The Reverend Mac Magee Assisting: The Venerable Calhoun Walpole, The Reverend Canon Bryce Wandrey Lector: Randy Amis Intercessor: Eric Bash Music: Members of the St. Gregory Choir Parks Greene, Sub-Organist Ushers: Gary Tasker, Larry Midla, Theresa Midla, & Carl Milford St. Thomas Guild of Acolytes: Dr. James Hutchisson, Verger Cabe Lee, Acolyte