11 ESSENTIAL TIPS I WISH I KNEW BEFORE COLLEGE 💯| Fees, Classes, Mental Health, roommates
THANKS FOR WATCHING GUYS🩷! I really loved editing this, let me know what you guys think!!!!🥲 Share in the comments socials 📸 INSTA: main: @riri2youuu link 🏷️ : https://www.instagram.com/riri2youuu?... spam : @reesmokeeept2 link 🏷️: https://www.instagram.com/reesmokeeep... TIK TOK : @ariilewinskyyy._ link 🏷️ ;https://www.tiktok.com/@ariilewinskyy... BUSINESS INQUIRIES *ONLY*: arianarawls5@gmail.com FAQS what’s your real name ? - ariana how old are you? - 19 how tall are you? - 5’6 what’s your major? Social work when's your bday? - sept 8 what grade are you in ? - freshman in college what camera do you use? - my iPhone 14 #collegelife #hbcu #whatiwishiknew #collegefreshman #collegeadvice #capcut #college advice, #freshman advice,#college advicehbcu, college advice pwi, balancing academics and social life,freshmen advice,college advice i wish i knew,college advice black,girl talk,college essentials,college 101,hookup culture,what i wish i knew before going to college,what i wish i would have known,first year tips,what i wish i knew before college,aliyah simone college,unc charlotte,college freshman advice,what i wish i knew going into college advice from seniors,what i wish i knew before college: practical college advice,what i learned from university | college advice,what to do life after college advice,what to do after college graduation // post grad advice,college advice,what advice would you give to a college freshman,how i got into college and advice,what to know before college,best college advice,college,university,college advice i wish i knew,balancing acadmics and social life,college advice hbcu,college advice pwi time stamps 📌 00:00-00:33 preview 00:33-01:00- intro 01:01-06:36 my background | picking a college, scholarships 06:37-09:52 - classes, preparing for classes 09:53-11:18 - how much clothes to bring? 11:19-12:28 - roommates? 12:29-14:30 - how to make college FUN 14:31-15:24 - mental health, how to deal with home sickness? 15:25-17:15- don’t skip classes/syllabus 17:16-19:04 - get a on campus job/ finances 19:05-21:46 - picking a major, it’s okay to undecided 21:48-22:34 - bring medicine highly recommended 22:35-23:15 - protective hairstyles 23:16-23:51 - outro CollegeLife #DayInMyLife #CollegeVlog #StudentLife #UniversityVlog #CollegeDiaries #CollegeRoutine #DormLife #CollegeStudent #LifeAsAStudent #StudyWithMe #CollegeProductivity #StudyMotivation #StudentProductivity #StudyTips #ExamWeek #CollegeHomework #StudentSuccess #TimeManagement #CollegeOrganization #SelfCareRoutine #BalancingLife #MorningRoutine #NightRoutine #HealthyLifestyle #WellnessJourney #MentalHealthAwareness #StressRelief #CollegeFitness #GymRoutine #BackToSchoolShopping #DormEssentials #CollegeHaul #SchoolSuppliesHaul #AmazonFinds #BudgetShopping #ShoppingOnABudget #StationeryHaul #AestheticSupplies #MustHaveCollegeItems #CollegeFriends #WeekendVlog #FunWithFriends #CollegeAdventures #CollegeDating #MovieNight #FriendshipGoals #CollegeEvents #CollegeMemories #WeekendPlans