Types of Heel Pain | San Diego Sports Chiropractic

Types of Heel Pain | San Diego Sports Chiropractic

Many patients ask themselves, "Do I have plantar fasciitis?" Many patients assume they have plantar fasciitis as it is a fairly well known term but there are many types of heel pain. The types of heel pain shown in the video are the most common types of heel pain we see in the office. Based on the location and the type of pain you are experiencing, it is easy to differentiate between let's say plantar fasciitis or achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis or fat pad syndrome. Once you have a proper diagnosis, then you can go about treatment for heel pain successfully. One question we often get asked is if a patient has plantar fasciitis or heel spur. The reality is, is that people may have heel spurs and never have pain in the heel. Or patients may have plantar fasciitis symptoms and are also told they have a heel spur after receiving an x-ray. A heel spur is only present if there has been enough tension or pulling from the plantar fascia which causes the heel bone to elongate at the plantar fascia attachment site. Patients may experience plantar fasciitis pain with a heel spur or they may not. Treatment is same if a patient has plantar fasciitis or heel spur. Less common types of heel pain but still seen in the clinic are peroneal tendonitis and posterior tibialis tendonitis. Peroneal tendonitis can affect the outer portion of the heel while posterior tibialis tendonitis (or flexor tendonitis) can affect the inner heel area. Are you looking for a diagnosis for the type of heel pain you are experiencing? Schedule with one of our sports chiropractors today! We are conveniently located in Mission Valley, San Diego. Schedule here: https://peakformhealthcenter.janeapp....