아르헨티나 엘 칼라파테_페리토 모레노 빙하/El Calafate/Perito Moreno/Glacier/Patagonia

아르헨티나 엘 칼라파테_페리토 모레노 빙하/El Calafate/Perito Moreno/Glacier/Patagonia

아르헨티나 엘 칼라파테_페리토 모레노 빙하/El Calafate/Perito Moreno/Glacier/Patagonia -로스 글래시아레스 국립공원, 바위산들 사이에 아르젠티노 호수 -실제로 움직이는 빙하를 제대로 보기 위해 오른 페리토 모레노 빙하 전망대 -페리토 모레노 빙하는 길이 30km, 폭 5km에 약 60m의 높이 -아르젠티노 호수를 향해 하루에 약 2m씩, 일 년에 600여m씩 이동 -빌딩 크기의 거대한 얼음 덩어리가 우레 같은 굉음을 내며 호수로 떨어지는 모습 -3만 년 전 생성된 페리토 모레노 빙하는 눈이 얼음으로 변해 다져졌지만 기온이 올라감에 따라 빙하의 아래와 위의 이동 속도가 달라져 내부에 균열이 생기고 무너지는 현상이 나타난다 [English: Google Translator] Early in the morning, a vans carrying tourists picked me up to my accommodation The night in the southern hemisphere that is entering winter is longer than ever Today is the time to visit the Perito Moreno Glacier, a two-hour drive from El Calafate When a new day comes, you can see Patagonia hidden away from the window ""I am very happy to visit the beautiful sights of Argentina It's really special I guess I'll come back again I'm going to see the most impacted Perito Moreno glacier And it's very satisfying because we have had the opportunity to see beautiful cities even if it is not a glacier ""Landscape created by forests, lakes, glaciers and wind Patagonia presents a unique landscape in the world That makes the camera shutter to be stretched The sunrise of Patagonia, with its reddish color all over the world, will be memorable for a long time ""It's a wonderful place! El Calafate is so good It is the best place in the world ""The car that stopped for a while to see the sunrise starts to run again and the glacier begins to be seen Finally, he entered the Los Glaciares National Park Among the towering rocky mountains are the many glacial lakes, including Lake Argentino To get a proper view of the glaciers facing the lake, I went to the Ferrito Moreno Glacier Observatory It is the best place to see the glaciers in action The Perito Moreno glacier, off the coast of Patagonia, is 30 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide and about 60 meters high This massive ice fortress advances toward Lake Argentino on a daily basis It is known that it moves about 2m per day and 600m per year Over the centuries, this glacier is the crystal of time that snow has accumulated and its eyes are frozen Is that so? When I gaze into the green, I get tense If anyone stands in front of a glacier, he will humbly accept the greatness of nature A masterpiece of nature, the Perito Moreno Glacier attracts travelers from all over the world ■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】 ■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button) ■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓) ● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - ● Follow me on TWITTER - ● Like us on FACEBOOK - ● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 -