I Tested MSTY! How Much to Make $100 EVERY WEEK In DIVIDENDS!

I Tested MSTY! How Much to Make $100 EVERY WEEK In DIVIDENDS!

This must be the highest dividend yield on the market. This monthly paying dividend ETF is yielding an insane return! Based on the stock MSTR, this fund is paying out a ton of high dividends. What do you think about this dividend ETF and its wild dividend yield? Is it too risky or will this make people millions?! Drop a comment and let me know what you think! Together we can make $100 every week in dividends! Investing $10,000 into $CONY Video:    • Investing $10,000 into CONY with its ...   Chapters: 00:00 Intro 1:26 MSTY ETF Overview 7:35 MSTY Dividend History 10:15 Drip Calculator 12:52 $100 Every Week Calculation Thanks for Watching! What yieldmax ETF pays the highest dividend?! CONY ETF vs MSTY ETF How much money do I need to make $500 a month from dividend etfs? #stocks #money #tesla #tsly #dividends #dividendstocks #etf #dividendetf #dividendinvesting #stockstobuynow #realityincome #reit #mpw #medicalpropertiestrust #discountedstocks #cheapstocks #stocksonsale