Carrot| spinach| Cauliflower and celeriac plus no dig green manures and Quick bed prep pre-winter
Carrot| spinach| Cauliflower and celeriac plus no dig green manures and Quick bed prep pre-winter It's late October. The garden is full of vegetables, and we harvest a lot right up to Christmas. Plus we now start the annual spreading of compost, to feed soil life over the coming year. With no dig it is quick: there is no other soil preparation and weeds grow little. Find out more in my blog for November https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/post... No Dig Day is approaching, on 3rd November. Children, do enter the competition! https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/no-d... No dig saves time, and delivers the harvests. 10 years of results, comparing yields from my three strip trial which we see near the beginning of this video, demonstrate the adverse effects even of just forking the soil and without any inversion. We apply the same compost on the forked beds, as on no dig beds in the adjacent strip. This year 2023, the forked strip has yielded 86kg harvests, while the no dig strip's harvests (same compost used) are 100kg. The third strip, no dig with animal manure mostly from cows, has given 116kg up to 22nd October. See link below for details of this trial, running since 2014. 00:00 Introduction - keep gardening through the year and No Dig Day 01:28 Carrots, with root fly damage - how late can you sow them to avoid this? These carrots I pulled, after we washed them, showed bad damage from the maggots of root flies. They were not Oxhella nut Miami F1. We are noticing less damage on Oxhella in another bed. 03:12 Abundant beds - spring onions which followed squash, parsnips which followed spring onions, spinach which followed lettuce which followed broad beans 03:34 Snail damage to spinach, possibly a result of snails in neighbouring leek plants which are also affected by allium leaf miner - leeks are 9th year in the same bed, a trial 04:43 I explain my three-strip trial, and the resulting harvests. 06:07 A new type of compost! and the resulting harvests of squash 06:59 Romanesco cauliflower and Savoy cabbage, all sown on the longest day of the year, transplanted on 17th July 07:42 Celeriac, Prinz variety - remove lower leaves? 08:40 Garlic, planted on earliest possible date, but it’s not too late! 09:20 Broad and field beans as a temporary cover crop 09:48 Also white mustard Sinapsis alba, under asparagus - and how to clear asparagus 10:51 Compost heap that has become a little anaerobic, and how to add some air 11:49 Turnips, with mesh against cabbage root fly, and more garlic, with mustard 12:23 A late variety of raspberries, Paris - fruits ripening early this year 13:38 Lamb’s lettuce and cabbage 13:53 Adam’s mushroom project - Stropharia rugoso anulata 14:33 Autumn raspberries cut down 15:02 Compost spread on recently cleared beds, and new plantings of winter purslane, claytonia, mizuna 16:09 Brussels sprouts, Bridget variety - F1 hybrid 16:43 Medania spinach from homesaved seed 16:54 The dig/no dig trial beds, and harvest comparisons from each - up to 25th October the total harvests are 70kg from the dig bed and 82kg from no dig 17:59 How much compost to put on beds to feed soil once a year, and woodchip on pathways 18:40 Scarole endive - before and after picking 19:04 Celery, and dahlias, then Prinz celeriac deleafed 20:36 More spinach Medania, but with less soil damage 21:29 In the polytunnel - new plantings of salad leaves, plus many marigolds that have grown from their seeds 22:38 Cobea flower 23:25 Small Garden - fennel, spinach, overwintering spring cabbage and cauliflower, and brassicas incl. cauliflower - harvests so far in 2023 are 94kg 24:41 Sowing reminder resources 25:00 Broad beans - still to sow, soon 25:18 Outro More on my three-strip trial: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/post... And my dig/no dig trial: https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/post... Some of my books and my 2024 calendar are available in digital, from my website https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/stor... My September tour is • September Tour - vegetable's sweetnes... Tamar Organics sell a good range of seeds but sadly not Medania spinach https://tamarorganics.co.uk/product-c... This is my long handled wooden dibber - a great Christmas present! • Carrot| spinach| Cauliflower and cele... Filmed by Nicola Smith late October 2023, edited by her too. You can join this channel by paying a monthly fee, to support our work with helping gardeners grow better, and to receive monthly videos made only for members: / @charlesdowding1nodig #nodig #broadbeans #carrot #spinach #cauliflower