Kakatiya University Degree Semester 3 I KU UG SEM 3 English 2023 Paper for 2024

Kakatiya University Degree Semester 3 I KU UG SEM 3 English 2023 Paper for 2024

This video deals with Kakatiya University KU UG Degree Semester 5 English Model Paper which is a part in the syllabus of English NEW Degree 5th Semester English in Kakatiya University and NET & SET. In PCV English, literature related videos are provided to you free of cost. Below given are playlists which cover entire syllabus of Kakatiya University 3rd Semester English. Kakatiya University Degree 3rd Semester KU UG English Lessons in telugu    • Kakatiya University Degree 3rd Semest...   KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY - WARANGAL - TELANGANA Under Graduate Courses (Under CBCS 2020 – 2021 onwards) B.A/B.COM/BBA/B.SC ENGLISH 2nd YEAR SEMESTER – 3 PAPER – 3: ENGLISH UNIT I: GENDER EQUALITY 1. “Achieving Gender Equality in India: What Works, and What Doesn’t” by Smriti Sharma summary in Telugu    • Achieving Gender Equality in India Wh...   2. “They Shut me up in Prose” by Emily Dickinson summary in Telugu    • They shut me up in Prose by Emily Dic...   3. Prepositions    • Prepositions in Telugu I Osmania Pala...   4. Phrasal Verbs UNIT II: GENDER ROLES 1. “The Wonder Story of Kalpana Saroj” by Rakhi Chakraborthy summary in Telugu    • The Wonder Story of Kalpana Saroj In ...   2. “The Kitchen” by Vimala summary in Telugu    • The Kitchen poem by Vimala in Telugu ...   3. Voice in Telugu    • Sentence Transformation Voice I Degre...   4. Technical Vocabularyin Telugu    • Film Technical Vocabulary in Telugu I...      • Technical Vocabulary Literature in Te...   UNIT III: ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 1. “What is my Name?” by P.Sathyavathi summary in Telugu    • What Is My Name? Summary in Telugu I ...   2. “Voice of the Unwanted Girl” by Sujatha Bhatt summary in Telugu    • Voice of an Unwanted Girl Sujatha Bha...      • Voice of an Unwanted Girl Summary Not...   3. Connectives in Telugu 4. Idioms in Telugu    • Vocabulary Idioms in Telugu I Osmania...      • Important Idioms in Telugu I OU PU De...      • Idioms Matching in Telugu I OU PU Deg...      • Idioms list Osmania Palamuru Degree U...   #KUsem3Eng