Fetus Presentation full explaination in hindi/#fetuspresentation #obgyn #fetus #bscnursing #norcet

Fetus Presentation full explaination in hindi/#fetuspresentation #obgyn #fetus #bscnursing #norcet

Fetus Presentation full explaination in hindi/#fetuspresentation #obgyn #fetus #bscnursing #norcet Presentation refers to the part of the fetus's body that leads the way out through the birth canal (called the presenting part). Usually, the head leads the way, but sometimes the buttocks or a shoulder leads the way. Headfirst (called vertex or cephalic presentation) Broadly There are three types of breech presentation: complete, incomplete, and frank. Complete breech is when both of the baby's knees are bent and his feet and bottom are closest to the birth canal. Incomplete breech is when one of the baby's knees is bent and his foot and bottom are closest to the birth canal. #FETUSPRESENTATIONLECTUREINHINDI #DENOMINATORINFETUSPRESENTATION #BREECHPRESENTATION #VERTEXPRESENTATION #SHOULDERPRESENTATION #FACEANDBROWPRESENTATION fetus presentation lecture in hindi,fetus presentation in hindi,lie of the fetus,attitude of the fetus,vertex presentation,breech presentation,face presentation,brow presentation,shoulder presentation,denominator in fetus presentation , fetal lie and presentation fetal lie position and presentation fetal lie presentation position attitude fetal lie and attitude fetal lie is longitudinal with cephalic presentation fetal lie vs presentation fetal lie and attitude breech presentation lecture in hindi frank presentation birth face presentation birth brow presentation shoulder presentation compound presentation Nursing officer aiims image based questions #fetallie #fetalattitude #fetalpresentation #fetalposition fetal lie and presentation,fetal lie position and presentation,fetal lie presentation position attitude,fetal lie and attitude,fetal lie is longitudinal with cephalic presentation,fetal lie vs presentation,breech presentation lecture in hindi,frank presentation birth,face presentation birth,brow presentation,shoulder presentation,compound presentation,Nursing officer,image based questions in nursing,fetal position nursing, #Fetus_in_utero #Fetus_in_utero_Lecture #Fetus_in_uterus #Fetus_position_in_uterus #Lie_of_Fetus #Presentation_of_fetus_in_Uterus #Attitude_of_Fetus #Denominator_of_Fetus #Presenting_Part_of_Fetus #Position_of_Fetus #obstetrics #gynecology #Midwifery #Medicine #nursing_lecture #nursing_lectures_channel #nursing_lecture_videos Fetus in utero,Fetus in uterus,Fetus position in uterus,Presentation of fetus in Uterus,Denominator of fetus,Presenting Part of fetus,Position of fetus,fetus presentation,lie of the fetus,attitude of the fetus,vertex presentation of fetus,breech presentation of fetus,face presentation of fetus,brow presentation of fetus,shoulder presentation of fetus,obstetrics,gynecology,Midwifery,Medicine,nursing lecture,nursing lectures channel,nursing lecture videos,uterus, Breech Presentation,Breech Presentation lecture in hindi,Diagnosis of breech presentation,Causes of breech presentation,Types of Breech Presentation,incomplete breech presentation,complete breech presentation,frank breech,knee breech,footling breech,breech malpresentation, #breechpresentationbyranjanarocknursing #incompletebreechpresentation #completebreechpresentation #causesofbreechpresentation #frankbreech #footlingbreech #kneebreech #breechpresentationlectureinhindi #typesofbreechpresentation #breechmalpresentation #diagnosisofbreechpresentation fetuspresentation,vertex presentation,breech presentation,shoulder presentation,compound presentation,