9/24/2023 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - Worship Service

9/24/2023 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - Worship Service

9/24/2023 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - Worship Service Join us for the Live Stream of our Sunday worship service! Bulletins, sermon, children's message, and after service announcements: https://www.faithmoorpark.com/worship... Scripture Readings Isaiah 55.6-9 Psalm 27.1-9 Philippians 1.12-14, 19-30 Matthew 20.1-16 ~~ ~~ Recent Videos: https://www.faithmoorpark.com/recent ~~ Prayer Requests: https://www.faithmoorpark.com/prayers ~~ Visit our web site to learn more about Faith Lutheran Church. View past worship services and sermons. Keep up to date with services, bible studies, and subscribe to our email list: https://www.faithmoorpark.com/ ~~ Support Faith Lutheran Church: Online Giving: https://www.faithmoorpark.com/giving ~~ Pre-service music by The Hymnal Project in partnership with the Michigan District, LCMS. https://www.thehymnalproject.com/reco... ~~ Faith Lutheran Church is part of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod (LCMS) located in Moorpark, California. #pentecost #worship #livestream #church #lutheran #lcms _:data:__eyJ0aXRsZSI6IldvcnNoaXAgU2VydmljZSIsInN1YnRpdGxlIjoiU2V2ZW50ZWVudGggU3VuZGF5IGFmdGVyIFBlbnRlY29zdCIsImxpbmsiOiIvd29yc2hpcC8yMDIzLTA5LTI0IiwiZGF0ZSI6IjIwMjMtMDktMjRUMDE6MDA6MDAtMDc6MDAifQ==_