비겁한 박쥐|The cowardly bat|동화로 배우는 영어|영어동화|어린이영어

비겁한 박쥐|The cowardly bat|동화로 배우는 영어|영어동화|어린이영어

#비겁한 #박쥐 #영어동화 #어린이영어 제이슨이랑 친구가 될 수 있어요!! ↘↘↘ [ The cowardly bat ] Once upon a time, there was a cowardly bat One day a war was happening between the beasts and the birds At first, the beasts were winning and the birds were losing One day the eagle, captain of the birds said to the cowardly bat “You are also a bird! Why are you not helping us?!” Then the cowardly bat said “Look at me, I look like a mouse!” Then he flew away to the beasts While he was fighting alongside the beasts, it seemed like the birds would win, so the cowardly bat stopped attacking the birds At that time, the lion captain of the beasts said “You said you were a beast! Why are you not helping us?!” Then the cowardly bat said “Look at me, I have a pair of wings! Don’t I look like an actual bird?” And he flew away One day, the lion and the eagle said “Isn’t this a silly war? Let’s stop this war ” When the war ended, the cowardly bat went to the birds to play However, the birds said “You said you were a beast! Get out of here Go to the beasts ” The cowardly bat got kicked out from the birds so he flew to the beasts The beasts said “You said you are a actual bird?! Get out from here and go to the birds!” The cowardly bat went to his home and flew with the bats only at night The cowardly bat didn’t seem nice because it helped only the winning team If the winning team started to lose, it didn’t help anymore and changed teams I think changing teams just to win is cowardly I will help and work for my team I hope you will never be cowardly and if a hard situation happens to your friends or to your team, I hope you will help your team