31/01/2022 | Reflection 1395 || Br Justin Koottiyanickal OP on Mark 5:1-20

31/01/2022 | Reflection 1395 || Br Justin Koottiyanickal OP on Mark 5:1-20

Like us on Facebook at   / indiandominicans   write to us: [email protected] Website: www.dominicans.in We must be clay in the hands of Jesus in order to be molded. Greg Mortenson writes in his book titled” three cups of tea” about his terrifying and disastrous attempt to climb mount K2. Unfortunately, he could not succeed but this failed attempt brought him to a beautiful village named Korphe, it’s a rural village in Pakistan. Though his plan failed God’s plan for him succeeded. Mr. Greg with the help of his friends built 55 schools and some bridges for the poor villagers of Pakistan. He is an inspiring example for all of us who think that failure is a dead end. God had better plans for him than just climbing that mountain. In our lives too there are times when we think that this situation is beyond our capacity to handle. Does this mean that God cannot lift us from this situation and raise us to something better? In today’s gospel we heard about a man who was possessed by demons. He was in that situation for a very long time. But when Jesus came into his life, he experienced peace within himself, something he lacked for a long time. As a result of this change, he expressed his desire to accompany Jesus.He accepted the change that Jesus brought in his life and he went around giving testimony about Jesus. In the book of Joshua chapter 2:1 we have yet another example about Rahab who led a sinful life. When she surrendered her life completely to God, he worked wonders in her life. As a result, we have her name in the genealogy of Jesus. From all these we can conclude that whoever accepts one’s own life situationand surrenders to Jesus will never be disappointed. We must beclay in the hands of Jesus in order to be molded. This requires complete surrender to Jesus who will then use us in spreading his kingdom. How can we be molded by Jesus? There are three things which will enable us. 1. A genuine desire to be changed or touched by Jesus. 2. A Humble heart: Humility and simplicity are essential virtues. We should always accept that we are mere creature or clay in the hand of God. 3. A Spiritual bond: constant and sincere prayer helps us to come close to God. We have to invite Jesus into our life. Let us pray that God may give us his grace to live a life worthy of our call to spread his kingdom. #dominicanmediamission #DOMINICANFRIARSINDIA