Public Worship 6/9/2024 Luke 11:27-36

Public Worship 6/9/2024 Luke 11:27-36

Worship Together this Sunday, June 9 *Morning Worship at Harvest: 9:30 AM (Facebook/YouTube) *Sunday School Classes for all ages: 11 :00 AM-12: 00 PM Sermon Series: That You May Believe Message: Rev. Seth Young – Luke 11 :27-36 0:00:25 Announcements 0:01:57 Prelude - All Creatures of our God and King 0:04:29 Call to Worship - Psalm 8:1,3,9 0:05:05 Confession of Faith - The Apostles' Creed 0:06:04 Hymn of Praise - O Lord, Our Lord How Majestic 0:10:48 Prayer of Confession - from the Book of Common Prayer 0:12:54 Assurance of Pardon - 1 John 1:9 0:13:47 Hymn of Assurance - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 0:16:53 Children's Sermon - Fathers Romans 8:15 0:20:57 Morning Prayer 0:24:54 The Lord's Prayer 0:25:32 Offertory - Just a Closer Walk with Thee 0:28:31 Offertory Response - Doxology 0:29:02 Prayer of Dedication 0:30:02 Sermon Luke 11: 27-36 1:09:54 Hymn of Response - The Light of the World is Jesus 1:13:26 Benediction - 2 Corinthians 13:14