Breathing For Mental and Physical Prowess 25Jan2023

Breathing For Mental and Physical Prowess 25Jan2023

Notes. 1. "How to breathe" | Belisa Vranich | TEDxManhattanBeach (10 min 25 sec)    • How to breathe | Belisa Vranich | TED...   1.a. “Shut your Mouth and Change your Life” | Patrick McKeown | TEDxGalway (16 min 32 sec)    • Shut your Mouth and Change your Life ...   1.b. “Why Being a ‘Mouth-Breather’ Is Bad For You w/James Nestor” | Joe Rogan (14 min 58 sec)    • Why Being a "Mouth-Breather" Is Bad F...   1.c. “5 Ways To Improve Your Breathing with James Nestor” (11 min 57 sec)    • 5 Ways To Improve Your Breathing with...   2. "Three Steps to Better Belly Breathing" (February 16, 2017) by Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall, DPT, CPT, CNC 3. "How to Do Belly Breathing Like a Pro" by Yuri Elkaim 4. Good breathing technique illustrated here: "Kettlebell Swing" (26 min)    • Kettlebell Swing   5. "Emergency Breath Recovery Technique | Second Wind Express" (2 min 13 sec)    • Emergency Breath Recovery Technique |...   6. "What is box breathing?" 7. "Box Breathing" 8. "The 5.5 Rule Will Change the Way You Breathe" (2 Feb 2021) by Eva Keiffenheim.   / the-5-5-rule-will-change-the-way-you-breathe   9. "Breathing at a rate of 5.5 breaths per minute with equal inhalation-to-exhalation ratio increases heart rate variability" by I M Lin , L Y Tai , S Y Fan (Int J Psychophysiol . 2014 Mar;91(3):206-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2013.12.006. Epub 2013 Dec 28.) 10. "Most of Us Aren’t Breathing Correctly. Here’s the Right Way to Do It" by Nicole Pajer (5 Jan 2022) "Emma Ferris, a physiotherapist and breathing coach with the Breath Effect, says 80 percent of the population have a breathing dysfunction and have developed poor techniques throughout the years. 'And that can range from breathing through the mouth, breathing through the upper chest and neck muscles, having altered breathing rhythm and rate, or keeping the body in a stress state for long periods of time,' she explains. So, now that we know that we’re probably not breathing right, how do we fix it?" 11. "Five Ways You Might Be Breathing Wrong" "Breathing is a natural thing: breathe in, breathe out…not much to it, right? Well, guess what: there actually is a wrong and right way to get oxygen into your system through your lungs. Below, Mark Courtney, a respiratory therapist with American Lung Association's Lung HelpLine, gives some tips on how to get the most out of your lungs." 12. "Proper Breathing Brings Better Health" by Christophe André (15 Jan 2019) 13. "#124 Why Changing The Way You Breathe Will Transform Your Body and Mind with James Nestor — Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee" On many, many podcast apps such as: 14. "299: Are You Breathing Wrong? — Wise Traditions" On many, many podcast apps such as: