Economics Survey Lecture 5: Industry Steady Recovery

Economics Survey Lecture 5: Industry Steady Recovery

The above video lecture is based on the Economic Survey 2022-23. Vajiram and Ravi will be publishing a series of lectures by Jayant Parikshat Sir, Indian Economy faculty for the General Studies Pre-cum-Main Comprehensive Programme. ( ) In this topic, an assessment of overall performance of industrial sector has been provided. Along with that various sub-sectors like automobiles, electronics , pharmaceuticals etc has been provided. Stress in manufacturing sector is clearly visible. The chapter examines the factors which could help India to become global manufacturing hub. Emphasis has been laid on MSMEs, Make in India & PLI. Also, the chapter discusses the importance of start ups, flipping & reverse flipping. This topic provides a glimpse of how India is preparing itself for new Industrial Revolution 4.0. The Union Minister for Finance & Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman tabled the Economic Survey 2022-23 in Parliament, which projects a baseline GDP growth of 6.5 per cent in real terms in FY24. The projection is broadly comparable to the estimates provided by multilateral agencies such as the World Bank, the IMF, and the ADB and by RBI, domestically. ( )