Stop Being Afraid of Life - Embrace Boldness And Conquer Fear | Subliminal Affirmations

Stop Being Afraid of Life - Embrace Boldness And Conquer Fear | Subliminal Affirmations

Overcome fear and embrace life to its full potential with a courageous mindset. Most of our fears are total products of our imagination and sneaky false assumptions we make rather than actual threats. So every time fear shows up, it’s a golden opportunity to prove it wrong. You can reframe those negative thoughts and jump into positive experiences that prove your initial fears were way off base. Use this subliminal to reprogram the fear script in your mind. This recording is designed to help you stop fearing life, gain a sense of empowerment and boldness. Listen daily if you feel ready to stop allowing fear to control you and step out of your comfort zone. *Headphones are recommended to maximize results. Affirmations ("you" and "I" statements): I feel powerful I feel alive I am driven by my desires rather than fears I let go of past fears and embrace the present moment with confidence I am becoming stronger and more fearless each day I am wired for growth and expansion As my fear lessens, my potential increases I am ready to take deliberate action steps that will benefit me in the long run I make a choice to stop letting fear control me I choose to decrease fear and create a shift in my life I live my life from a state of power and courage Every day, I am working towards being less afraid I find the courage to do the things that will bring me success and fulfillment My world expands as my courage expands I make positive assumptions about my future I expect good things to come my way and I am open to receive them I expect positive things to happen to me I think and live my life as an abundant person I have the power to do what it takes to create the life that I want for myself I am capable of facing any obstacle with positivity, courage and resilience Related videos: Build a strong inner foundation -    • Build Strong Inner Foundation - Mind ...   Be brave & courageous -    • Be Brave - Finding Courage In Life | ...   Self-actualization:    • Self Actualization - Live Up To Your ...   Be more assertive -    • Be More Assertive – Voice Your Needs ...   Overcome fear of failure -    • Overcome Fear of Failure - Keep Movin...   #overcomefear #becomefearless #subliminalprogramming Royalty-Free Music: Pond5 VORTEX SUCCESS *This channel provides positive subliminal messages and brainwave entrainment embedded in relaxing background music. I put my best energy into creating these videos with the intention to bring you high value and inspire you to find the path of joy, positivity, and empowerment. *Each recording on this channel contains different affirmations that match the subject of the specific video. All of the embedded hidden affirmations and most of the brainwave entrainment are created uniquely by me. *What are subliminal messages? These are hidden commands that are perceived by our minds, below our level of awareness. Meaning, we process them, but without being aware of doing so. Disclaimer: Do not drive or operate machinery while listening to these videos. If you feel uncomfortable while listening, simply listen at low to barely audible levels. In the very unlikely event that you experience discomfort, please discontinue use. This recording along with any other recordings on my channel should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment. This audio/video does not diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, see a doctor. The information on Vortex Success YouTube channel is provided solely for informational purposes on an “as is“ basis and “as available” basis at user's sole risk. Vortex Success shall not be responsible or liable for any results of listening to these recordings and makes no guarantees as to the accurateness, quality, or completeness of the information and, errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the information or for any user's reliance on the information.