PGC Lectures-Inter Part II-Punjab Board-Physics-Chapter 19-Lecture 6 - Black Body Radiation

PGC Lectures-Inter Part II-Punjab Board-Physics-Chapter 19-Lecture 6 - Black Body Radiation

Black Body Radiation Class 12 Welcome to our educational platform! In this comprehensive 12th-grade Physics lecture, we delve into the fascinating world of Black Body Radiation, specifically tailored for students following the Punjab Board curriculum in Pakistan. Key Topics Covered: Black body radiation Core of sun temperature Max planck, ferry theory What is expected emission Skip to Your Interest With Timestamps: 00:00 to 05:10 Black body radiation 05:11 to 08:26 Core of sun temperature 08:27 to 15:55 Max planck, ferry theory 15:56 to 22:37 What is expected emission Watch Next:    • PGC Lectures-Inter Part II-Punjab Boa...   #blackbodyradiation #coreofsun #maxplanck #ferrytheory #emission #physics