Bhante Devananda Spreading Loving Kindness One Smile at A Time Indiana Buddhist Temple
Bhante Devananda Spreading Loving Kindness One Smile at A Time Indiana Buddhist Temple. Spreading Loving Kindness One Smile at a Time. Happiness to see all smiles and be thankful together. May all beings be well, happy and peaceful. Bhante Devananda of The Indiana Buddhist Temple Abbot of Indiana Buddhist Temple, Lankarama Buddhist Temple and Father John's Loving Kindness Meditation Society Bryan Ohio. www.indianabuddhistvihara.org. email: indianabuddhistvihara@gmail.com Loving Kindness Meditation Metta Bhavana every Monday at 7 pm Eastern Time USA. Karaniya Metta Sutta: The Hymn of Universal Love. It is a Loving Kindness Discourse. While the Buddha was staying at Savatthi, a band of monks, having received subjects of meditation from the master, proceeded to a forest to spend the rainy season (vassana). The tree deities inhabiting this forest were worried by their arrival, as they had to descend from tree abodes and dwell on the ground. They hoped, however, the monks would leave soon; but finding that the monks would stay the vassana period of three months, harassed them in diverse ways, during the night with the intention of scaring them away. Living under such conditions being impossible, the monks went to the Master and informed him of their difficulties. Thereon the Buddha instructed them in the Metta sutta and advised their return equipped with this sutta for their protection. The monks went back to the forest, and practicing the instruction conveyed, permeated the whole atmosphere with their radiant thoughts of metta or loving-kindness. The deities so affected by this power of love, henceforth allowed them to meditate in peace. May you be well and happy with Metta Indiana Buddhist Temple 7528 Thompson Road Hoagland IN 46745 260-447-5269 Donation Link Zelle: IndianaBuddhistVihara@gmail.com Venmo: @Indiana-BuddhistTemple PayPal: https://paypal.me/IndianaBuddhist Indiana Buddhist Temple Subscribe YouTube www.indianabuddhistvihara.org #Buddha #Dharma #Sangha #Buddhist #Buddhism #BhanteDevananda #MettaBhavana #LovingKindnessMeditation #IndianaBuddhistTemple #lankaramabuddhisttemple