LMC Live-Stream Worship Service - Sunday, August 21, 2022
Welcome to Luther Memorial Church in South St Paul, Minnesota. All are welcome! Join us online or in-person as we livestream our Sunday morning services! To aid our sisters and brothers in distress in Ukraine, consider donating to: ELCA Eastern Europe Crisis Response: https://bit.ly/3vOTFhF Lutheran World Relief: https://bit.ly/3HMo1Ds We invite you to make an offering contribution digitally on our website: https://www.luther-memorial.com/onlin... To find out ways to donate your time and money to help heal our community: https://twin-cities-mutual-aid.org/ You can also find these services on Town Square TV, local Comcast channel 15: Sunday at 8pm Monday at 4pm Tuesday at 1pm Wednesday at 10am Thursday at 7am Friday at 4am Saturday at 1am Visit our website: https://www.luther-memorial.com/ Visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel: / @luthermemorialchurch3894 Visit and like our Facebook Page: / lmcssp Follow us on Twitter: @LMCSSP CCLI License # 2549611 One License # A-725963 Hymns/Music: "Praise And Thanksgiving" - ELW 689 "Gospel Acclamation" - ELW page 205 "O Christ, The Healer, We Have Come" - ELW 610 "How Firm A Foundation" - ELW 796 Readings: Reading - Romans 1:1-17 Gospel - Matthew 9:9-13 Lead Pastor - Pastor Patrick Joiner Organist/Music Director - Kwesi Pasley Assisting Minister - Mary Ann Johansen Reader - Rose Joiner