Tuesday within the Octave of Easter ,April 6 ,2021 8:30 AM Mass
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Tuesday April 6, 2021 at 8:30 am
6:30 AM Holy Mass - April 8 2021, Thursday in the Octave of Easter
Homily By Fr Louie Punzalan, SVD - April 8 2021, Thursday in the Octave of Easter
Daily Mass. Tuesday in the Octave of Easter. April 6, 2021.
Daily Mass 8:30 a.m. April 6, 2021 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
Tuesday of the Octave of Easter
April 6 - Tuesday of the Octave of Easter - 8:30 AM Mass
2021 04 06 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
St. Dorothy Catholic Church-April 6, 2021 - Tuesday in the Octave of Easter 8:30 am. Daily Mass
Live Stream - Daily Mass Easter Octave (Extraordinary Form) - Tuesday, April 6
Tuesday within the Octave of Easter ,April 6 ,2021 8:30 AM Mass
Tuesday within the Octave of Easter - April 6, 2021 | 8:30 am
Daily Mass - April 6, 2021
Live 6:00 PM Holy Mass - April 6 2021, Tuesday in the Octave of Easter