These teamers though they can beat me | Roblox The Strongest Battlegrounds

These teamers though they can beat me | Roblox The Strongest Battlegrounds

4 teamers couldn't beat me and my friend. Links: Roblox profile: Discord server(WIP) / discord Chapters: 00:00 How it all started 00:26 He tried to 1v1 00:48 Gameplay 02:26 His friend 1v1 02:53 Gameplay 03:49 Another teammate 04:00 Gameplay 05:35 Another 1v1 05:48 it became 2v1 06:45 Things became harder 08:25 Against 25k kills 09:30 Gameplay 11:05 Ending #robloxsaitamabattlegrounds #saitamabattlegrounds #roblox #robloxgames #thestrongestbattlegroundsroblox #thestrongestbattlegrounds