Royal Enfield Bear 650 vs KTM Duke 390 Drag Race | First On Youtube

Royal Enfield Bear 650 vs KTM Duke 390 Drag Race | First On Youtube

Royal Enfield Bear 650 vs KTM Duke 390 Drag Race | First On Youtube In this video, we do a drag race between the KTM Duke 390 and the newly launched Royal Enfield Interceptor Bear 650 to test the performance of the two bikes and see how they stack up against each other. The Duke 390 is an absolute performance machine whereas the Interceptor Bear 650 is more of a cruiser but they are very close to each other when it comes to power figures. Let's see which one wins. KEYWORDS: Bear 650, Bear 650 top speed, Bear 650 drag race, Bear 650 vs interceptor 650 drag race, Bear 650 drag race, Bear 650 vs super meteor 650, bear 650 vs continental gt, bear 650 ride review, bear 650 review, bear 650 exhaust sound, bear 650 price, bear 650 variants, bear 650 colors, bear 650 race, bear 650 mileage test, bear 650 power, continental gt top speed, interceptor 650 top speed, super meteor 650 top speed #bear650 #royalenfieldbobber #royalenfieldbear650 #ktmduke390 #dragrace #duke390 #ktmduke250 #ktmduke200 #continentalgt650 #interceptor650 #royalenfield #triumphspeed400 #continentalgt #rider #bikelover #guerrilla450 #goldstar650 #jawa42bobber