Best Health Insurance Policy For COVID-19 | CORONA KAVACH VS CORONA RAKSHAK | 2020 | MY FINANCE HUB
Which is best policy for COVID-19? Is it corona kavach or Corona rakshak. We all know that corona cases are increasing day by day. And it is not a big thing to get infected by coronavirus. We all take many safety measurements. Health Insurance is also one of them. We all should have a proper health Insurance for this pandemic. Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of INDIA that is IRDAI to instruct all general and health Insurance companies to launch proper health policy for COVID-19. Companies launched two policies, Corona kavach and Corona rakshak. Both policies have own features. But here is one question that which plan is good for us. In this video, I Explained both policies thoroughly. And in tha last , I Explained that how to select one between both of them. So please watch Full video and share as much as you can. Saty safe. Thanks. KEYWORDS : #coronakavach #coronarakshak #Insurance #Insurancecovid #coronavirus #covid-19 #investment #healthinsurance #besthealthinsuranceforcorona #healtinsuranceforcorona # healthinsuranceforcovid19