Nobody knew how easy mushrooms grow... until now. 🍄 (Subscribe 4 More)
Order a mushroom kit to support our channel. https://naturelion.ca Ever wanted to grow your own fresh mushrooms at home? 🍄 With a Nature Lion Mushroom Kit, it's easier than ever—and you'll have your first harvest in just 2 weeks! 🙌 Here's how you can start your mushroom-growing adventure: 1️⃣ Unbox your kit: Remove your kit from the packaging and place it in a cool, shaded area (avoid direct sunlight). 2️⃣ Cut and Mist: Gently cut an “X” on the front of the bag and start misting it with water 2-3 times a day. Keep the humidity up for best results! 3️⃣ Watch them grow: Over the next week, you’ll see small mushrooms (called pins) start to appear. Keep misting and get ready for the magic to happen! 4️⃣ Harvest time: In about 10-14 days, your mushrooms will be fully grown and ready to harvest. Twist them off gently, and you’ve got yourself a fresh, organic batch of mushrooms. 🍽️ It's that simple! Grow gourmet mushrooms right at home with minimal effort. 🌱 Ready to get started? Visit our website to grab your kit today!